HomeOnline CatalogueDNA / RNA Extraction & Purification KitsSpin Column KitsDNA Extraction & Purification ⁄ Spin ColumnsHuman and Animal Tissue

Human and Animal Tissue

Kits for DNA extraction and purification from human and animal tissue samples.


All Products in this category

Blood DNA Kit (Quick Blood Kit)

Kit for isolation of DNA from fresh or frozen blood.

Bone & Tooth DNA Kit

Kit for isolation of total DNA from bone and teeth. Proven to give good results for isolation of ancient DNA e.g. from archaeological samples.

Stool DNA Kit

Kit for extraction of DNA from stool samples of human and animal origin.

Cell Culture DNA Kit

Kit for isolation of DNA from human and animal cell cultures.

Swab Extract DNA Kit

Kit for extraction of DNA from swabs for clinical and forensic analysis.

Tissue DNA Kit

Universal kit for extraction of DNA from human and animal tissues.

Tissue & Bacterial DNA Kit

Kit for simultaneous extraction of total DNA from human / animal tissues and bacteria. Enables the detection of bacterial and viral DNA in tissue samples.