Restriction Endonucleases
Blunt- and sticky end cleaving restriction endonucleases acting on dsDNA.
Home → Online Catalogue → Enzymes → Restriction EndonucleasesRestriction EndonucleasesBlunt- and sticky end cleaving restriction endonucleases acting on dsDNA.
All Products in this categoryAccIReaction temperature: 37°C ; recognition sequence: GT | MKAC ; Prototype: AccIAcvIReaction temperature: 37°C ; recognition sequence: CAC | GTG ; Prototype: PmaCIAluIReaction temperature: 37°C ; recognition sequence: AG | CT ; Prototype: AluIApaIReaction temperature: 25°C ; recognition sequence: GGGCC | C ; Prototype: ApaIAvaIReaction temperature: 37°C ; recognition sequence: C | YCGRG ; Prototype: AvaIAvaIIReaction temperature: 37°C ; recognition sequence: G | GWCC ; Prototype: AvaIIBalIReaction temperature: 37°C ; recognition sequence: TGG | CCA ; Prototype: BalIBamHIReaction temperature: 37°C ; recognition sequence: G | GATCC ; Prototype: BamHIBanIIReaction temperature: 37°C ; recognition sequence: GRGCY | C ; Prototype: HgiJIIBglIReaction temperature: 37°C ; recognition sequence: GCCNNNN | NGGC ; Prototype: BglIBglIIReaction temperature: 37°C ; recognition sequence: A | GATCT ; Prototype: BglIIBsiHKCIReaction temperature: 65°C ; recognition sequence: C | YCGRG ; Prototype: AvaIBssHIIReaction temperature: 50°C ; recognition sequence: G | CGCGC ; Prototype: BsePIBstXIReaction temperature: 50°C ; recognition sequence: CCANNNNN | NTGG ; Prototype: BstXIClaIReaction temperature: 37°C ; recognition sequence: AT | CGAT ; Prototype: ClaICviJIReaction temperature: 37°C ; recognition sequence: RG | CY ; Prototype: CviJICviJI*Reaction temperature: 37°C ; recognition sequence: G | C except YG / CR ; Prototype: CviJI*DdeIReaction temperature: 37°C ; recognition sequence: C | TNAG ; Prototype: DdeIDpnIReaction temperature: 37°C ; recognition sequence: GA | TC ; Prototype: DpnIDraIReaction temperature: 37°C ; recognition sequence: TTT | AAA ; Prototype: AhaIEcoRIReaction temperature: 37°C ; recognition sequence: G | AATTC ; Prototype: EcoRIEcoRVReaction temperature: 37°C ; recognition sequence: GAT | ATC ; Prototype: EcoRVFokIReaction temperature: 37°C ; recognition sequence: GGATG (9/13) ; Prototype: FokIHaeIIIReaction temperature: 37°C ; recognition sequence: GG | CC ; Prototype: HaeIIIHhaIReaction temperature: 37°C ; recognition sequence: GCG | C ; Prototype: HhaIHincIIReaction temperature: 37°C ; recognition sequence: GTY | RAC ; Prototype: HindIIHindIIIReaction temperature: 37°C ; recognition sequence: A | AGCTT ; Prototype: HindIIIHinfIReaction temperature: 37°C ; recognition sequence: G | ANTC ; Prototype: HinfIHpaIReaction temperature: 37°C ; recognition sequence: GTT | AAC ; Prototype: HpaIHpaIIReaction temperature: 37°C ; recognition sequence: C | CGG ; Prototype: HpaIIKpnIReaction temperature: 37°C ; recognition sequence: GGTAC | C ; Prototype: KpnIMboIReaction temperature: 37°C ; recognition sequence: | GATC ; Prototype: MboIMboIIReaction temperature: 37°C ; recognition sequence: GAAGA (8/7) ; Prototype: MboIIMluIDiscontinued; Reaction temperature: 37°C ; recognition sequence: A | CGCGT ; Prototype: MluIMluI – Reduced Star ActiviityReaction temperature: 37°C ; recognition sequence: A | CGCGT ; Prototype: MluIMmeIDiscontinued. Reaction temperature: 37°C ; recognition sequence: TCCRAC (20/18) ; Prototype: MmeIMnlIReaction temperature: 37°C ; recognition sequence: CCTC (7/6) ; Prototype: MnlIMspIReaction temperature: 37°C ; recognition sequence: C | CGG ; Prototype: HpaIINarIReaction temperature: 37°C ; recognition sequence: GG | CGCC ; Prototype: NarINcoIReaction temperature: 37°C ; recognition sequence: C | CATGG ; Prototype: NcoINdeIReaction temperature: 37°C ; recognition sequence: CA | TATG ; Prototype: NdeINheIReaction temperature: 37°C ; recognition sequence: G | CTAGC ; Prototype: NheINotIDiscontinued. Replaced by NotI - reduced star activityNotI - reduced star activityReaction temperature: 37°C ; recognition sequence: GC | GGCCGC ; Prototype: NotI; reduced star activityNruIReaction temperature: 37°C ; recognition sequence: TCG | CGA ; Prototype: NruINsiIReaction temperature: 37°C ; recognition sequence: ATGCA | T ; Prototype: NsiIPinAIReaction temperature: 37°C ; recognition sequence: A | CCGGT ; Prototype: AgeIPstIReaction temperature: 37°C ; recognition sequence: CTGCA | G ; Prototype: PstIPvuIReaction temperature: 37°C ; recognition sequence: CGAT | CG ; Prototype: PvuIPvuIIDiscontinued. Replaced by PvuII - reduced star activityPvuII - reduced star activityReaction temperature: 37°C ; recognition sequence: CAG | CTG ; Prototype: PvuII; reduced star activityRsaIReaction temperature: 37°C ; recognition sequence: GT | AC ; Prototype: RsaIRsrIIReaction temperature: 37°C ; recognition sequence: CG | GWCCG ; Prototype: RsrIISacIReaction temperature: 37°C ; recognition sequence: GAGCT | C ; Prototype: SacISacIIReaction temperature: 37°C ; recognition sequence: CCGC | GG ; Prototype: SacIISalIDiscontinued. Replaced by SalI - reduced star activitySalI - reduced star activityReaction temperature: 37°C ; recognition sequence: G | TCGAC ; Prototype: SalI; reduced star activitySau3AIReaction temperature: 37°C ; recognition sequence: | GATC ; Prototype: MboIScaIDiscontinued. Replaced by ScaI - reduced star activityScaI - reduced star activityReaction temperature: 37°C ; recognition sequence: GAGCT | C ; Prototype: SacI; reduced star activitySfiIReaction temperature: 50°C ; recognition sequence: GGCCNNNN | NGGCC ; Prototype: SfiISmaIReaction temperature: 25°C ; recognition sequence: CCC | GGG ; Prototype: SmaISpeIReaction temperature: 37°C ; recognition sequence: A | CTAGT ; Prototype: SpeISphIReaction temperature: 37°C ; recognition sequence: GCATG | C ; Prototype: SphISspIReaction temperature: 37°C ; recognition sequence: AAT | ATT ; Prototype: SspIStuIReaction temperature: 37°C ; recognition sequence: AGG | CCT ; Prototype: StuITaqIReaction temperature: 65°C ; recognition sequence: T | CGA ; Prototype: TaqITaqIIReaction temperature: 65°C ; recognition sequence: GACCGA (11/9) ; Prototype: TaqIITspDTIReaction temperature: 70°C ; recognition sequence: ATGAA (11/9) ; Prototype: TspDTITspGWIReaction temperature: 70°C ; recognition sequence: ACGGA (11/9) ; Prototype: TspGWITth111IReaction temperature: 65°C ; recognition sequence: GACN | NNGTC ; Prototype: Tth111IXbaIReaction temperature: 37°C ; recognition sequence: T | CTAGA ; Prototype: XbaIXhoIReaction temperature: 37°C ; recognition sequence: C | TCGAG ; Prototype: XhoI |