HomeOnline CatalogueDNA / RNA Extraction & Purification KitsSpin Column KitsRNA Extraction & Purification ⁄ Spin Columns Human Blood RNA Kit

Human Blood RNA Kit

Isolation of total RNA from fresh human blood / leukocytes.

Detailed Product Description
 English Version

Quantity Package Cat-No. Price in €
25 prepsE3596-0164.00

 Detailed Reference Manual (English Version Only)

Figure: Purification of scarce RNA from different human blood samples (400 µl each) and subsequent one-step RT-PCR of a human ArgI gene fragment (1.1 kb).
28S / 18S ratio of purified RNA is approx. 2:1, indicating high quality of purified RNA.
Enzymes: dART Reverse Transcriptase , Taq DNA Polymerase .
Ladder: Perfect Plus 1 kb DNA Ladder .
PCR conditions: 50°C-30 min, 94°C-5 min, (94°C-30 sec, 54°C-30 sec, 72°C -1 min) x 30 cycles and 72°C - 3min.

Links to Related ArticlesAdditional Resources

 RT Logsheet

 qPCR Logsheet