Universal RNA / miRNA Kit
Kit for isolation of total RNA and miRNA from tissue, plant and cell culture. For isolation either of solely small RNAs (Micro RNA, miRNA) or for total RNA plus small RNA molecules (> 15-30 nucleotides). Works completely without Phenol.
Detailed Product Description
English Version
Detailed Reference Manual (English Version Only)
RT Logsheet
qPCR Logsheet
Completely Phenol - free.
Protocols available for RNA extraction from
- human and animal tissue samples;
- plant tissue samples;
- cell culture (human and animal cell lines).
- dART cDNA Synthesis Kit with all required and specifically adjusted components for Reverse Transcription
- Reverse Transcriptases
- Ribonuclease Inhibitor
- Ribonuclease H ( E.coli ) for selective RNA digestion from DNA/RNA hybrids only
- SG qPCR Master Mixes (2x) for qPCR / RealTime PCR
RT Logsheet
qPCR Logsheet