NXT Taq - Fast PCR Kit
Fast "Hot Start" Taq DNA polymerase, MAB inhibited.
- "High throughput" genotyping, diagnostic PCRs.
- No "proofreading".
- Convenient, stable master mix.
- Contains separate Color Load solution for direct gel loading.
Detailed Product Description
English Version
Deutsche Version
Enables to conduct complete PCR runs within dramatically shortened amplification times.
Application Example
Figure: Fast PCR amplification using NXT Taq - FAST PCR Kit.
A 2.5 kb amplicon of the human CCR5 gene was amplified with NXT Taq PCR Kit and the following PCR conditions:
95°C 5 min – 31x (96°C 5s - 60°C 5s - 68°C 1 min 15 s) - 72°C 1 min
PCR MasterMix Logsheet
Application Example
Figure: Fast PCR amplification using NXT Taq - FAST PCR Kit.
A 2.5 kb amplicon of the human CCR5 gene was amplified with NXT Taq PCR Kit and the following PCR conditions:
95°C 5 min – 31x (96°C 5s - 60°C 5s - 68°C 1 min 15 s) - 72°C 1 min
- Lane M: molecular size marker- (Perfect™ 1kb DNA Ladder).
- Lanes 1,2: PCR amplification reactions using NXT Taq - FAST PCR Kit (Cat. No.E2530).
- 1. NXT Taq PCR Master Mix (2x)
- 2. Water, nuclease free
- 3. 10 x Color Load
PCR MasterMix Logsheet